Magdalene’s Black Rose


 Mary Clarice McChrist


Mary Clarice McChrist, Mary-Ma (M.A.) is a Divine Mother, a prize-winning author of 7+ books, spiritual teacher, visionary artist, Messenger for the Ascended Masters, the Holy Family:  Mother Mary, Christ Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Saint Germain. She  created one of the world’s first Ascension Centers in 1973-1978 in Santa Ana, CA. She was personally mentored to be an Official Messenger of the Spiritual Hierarchy by El Morya Khan, Ascended Master of Divine  Will. Her work as a Messenger was reinstated again in 1993 under Mother Mary and Archangel Michael. She is currently working with Ram Maitreya
Buddha under the name The Maitreya and his official messenger.
Mother-Mary initiated the Mother-Matrix in 1991 in Mount Shasta which *honored all Divine Mothers and Goddess of all religions and traditions. Conclave of the Mother” brought this theme to life with another World First- August 12-15, 1994 when more than 100 people attended this event. She continues her classes, monthly teleconferences, healing sessions,  readings and new personal coaching Self-Mastery Sessions. Mary-Ma is especially known for her Spiritual Evaluations and her new work, since 2013, with Dharma Sangha Ram Maitreya Buddha of Nepal (Buddha Boy). They  created the Mary-Maitreya Mother Temple (105 East Alma behind the Chai shop) in 2015 in Mount Shasta, CA. and an  outstanding web site: brings forth the Enlightenment  of this amazing Buddha. Mary-Ma does a yearly Wesak Celebration for  Gautama Buddha on the Full Moon of Taurus. Her mission with her twin Ram is to ascend the Love (Christ)-Wisdom (Buddhic) Soul Band.
Visit her Websites: ( being soon reset),,
 and www.Magdalene’ Phone: 530-938-4277.

Books by Mary Clarice McChrist

Magdalene Black Rose: The Love Story of Jesus and His Beloved


is told by Mary Magdalene herself. Know secrets never revealed before: Christ’s love poems, questions are answered about their marry, children, the Holy Grail lineage, and  Christ’s Ascension. Visit Mother Mary, sit with Christ, walk with Him,  and hear His Words. Live their passion, and share their ecstasy and sorrows.  Realize Crucifixion secrets and heal your issues, obtain the Resurrection keys, and experience the Pentecost. This love story sets  the pattern for all twin flames and marriage, while unfolds New Teachings. It will shake-up the Christian World.  Purchase or preview now. 

Homage to the Buddhas

Sacred teachings, rare offerings,  direct transmissions, combined with breath-taking illustrations create a powerful weaving of enlightenment and wisdom of the Buddhas. This book offers practical, proven meditation, prayers, songs, teachings. Maitreya Buddha introduces Mother Buddha’s Sutra on Compassion, Chenrezig gives secret teachings, Padmasambhava , Guru Rinpoche brings treasure teachings for our age. Explore the new living Buddha, Bomjon Ram Maitreya Buddha who sat in meditation six years. He reveals the teachings of Loving-Kindness. Travel to the Wesak Valley and experience the highest release of yearly energy given by Gautama  Buddha, the Lord of the World
 Purchase or preview now.


Guadalupe’s Gifts and Prayers


This full color book, of the Virgin of Guadalupe’s Gifts and Prayers won the 2010 Silver Medal for Digital Excellence in eLit, is the true story of the Virgin of Guadalupe’s appearance to Juan Diego and the miracle tilma (upon which  the image appeared), including special Heart gifts, the Virgin Image  Ceremony, and a sacred meditation trip to Mexico City for the 12:12  Celebration. Receive spiritual tools, blessings, and new prayers and  rosaries, to transform your life, heal your family, aid your ancestors  and the world with Virgin of Guadalupe €“ Our Lady of the Americas.”
 Purchase or preview now. 

The Blessed Mother’s Blue Rose of the Healing Heart

The Blessed Mother’ Blue Rose of the Healing Heart provides direct experiences of Divine Mother Mary. The Outer Mysteries gives a  daily prayers to open the heart, heal the inner child and shadow self.  The Mothers gifts are the Blessed Ascension Rosary and the Rosary of Transformation. The Virgin’s guidance is clear: she offers new teachings: Flaming Hearts of Mary and Jesus, prayer, unified faith, forming Blue Rose World Service Prayer Groups. Archangel Michael offers protection, initiation and your personal sword. The Inner Mysteries includes Grail  Legend, the embodiment process and teachings previously held in secret  by Lord Jesus.
New books are $19.95 + shipping from McChrist Call 530-938-4277.
 Purchase or preview now.


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